Here are some comments from people that have used the centre:
One of the children in the centre loved the centre so much that they made this wonderful video and card. Click on the image to see the video!
I am so impressed by the high level of care and education in the Nursery. My daughter is constantly learning new skills and she surprises us by her independance that she's learnt in Lubavitch Children's Centre! (Nursery)
- E.S
The Dunstan Baby Language Course has made a huge difference to the way I relate to my baby and I have seen how he is so much happier that I can understand what he wants from the way he cries! Thank you for this great course and for giving me more confidence in my role as a mother! (Extended Services)
- R.R
Since we started coming to the weekly Lunch Time Club, my daughter eats so many more foods that she used to refuse. I am so much happier that she is eating better and she is so happy to prepare her food all by herself! (Activity Room)
Thanks for organising the exercise class for fathers! I have lost some weight since I started attending the class and I feel more fit!
- S.Z
Coming to the activities in the Toy Library gives me time to relax with my toddler and focus on her. The staff is extremely helpful and accommodating. (Toy Library)
- S.T
Very exciting and stimulating activities in a great atmosphere. (Toy Library)
- L.P
You don't know what it is like to be able to leave my baby here and feel safe and secure doing so! (Nursery)
- C.F
The fact that my daughter is so excited and happy to come proves that all you are doing is positive. I also like it that parents are so well informed of all that occurs throughout the day. (Nursery)
- Chaim L.
Your staff and environment is highly recommended. I am so happy my child goes here. I feel secure when I drop him off. What a wonderful place you have; you and your staff are doing a wonderful job! ( Nursery )
- Bruchi M.
The Chanukah Fun Day was absolutely amazing! My 6 children all had a good time in a wonderfull setting with lots of things from them to do. The staff was extremely nice and welcoming. Everything was run very proffesionally. Please do it more often! (Toy Library)
- Surele K.
I feel confident that my child is well supervised and getting excellent care in an educational setting while I am at work. It provides me with peace of mind. (creche)
- Chaya A.-
The stay and play sessions are so convenient. Its local, the atmesphere is very welcoming and friendly but at the same time professional. I feel calm and my children love playing and exploring all that’s on offer.
The Lubavitch Children's Centre nursery is a child friendly place, my child loves it! She is very well looked after and gets a good education. Her language has developed a lot and shes very happy. The most helpful thing is that she now has a routine which was helped by the staff.